Pink Glass Bong with Dome Percolator

The Pink Glass Bong with Dome Percolator is a little, handy glass bong. The pink colour, the bong's shape and the nice decorations make sure this bong always strikes the eye. This pink bong is equipped with a dome percolator, which doesn't only cool and filter the smoke to make it smoother, but it also prevents any splashes from getting into your mouth or face. This bong looks great, smokes great, and is perfectly fit to take with you to parties or festivals. This small pink glass bong is guaranteed to capture everyone's attention.
The percolator bong ensures double cooling of your smoke. First, the water drawn through the downstem into the water. This is the cooling that all bongs offer, that makes it a waterpipe. But after that, the smoke is also drawn into the dome percolator, which gives the water the opportunity to cool and filter the smoke even more. But wait, there's more! If double cooling and filtration is not sufficient for you, why not throw in some ice cubes? That's right, this bong has ice notches in it's neck for holding ice cubes, if you want your smoke to be cooled to the level you deserve. But of course, it's a perfectly good bong without using any ice. All of these features result in a very mild and soft smoke, but it still has offers the full kick you are used to.
With carbhole to easily inhale all smoke at once!
Pink Glass Bong with Dome Percolator
- Pink Glass Bong with Dome Percolator
- Colours: Pink / Transparent
- Height: 21,5 cm tall
- Bowl fitting: SG14 (14,5mm) attachment
- Made of Glass (2,5mm dik)
- Equipped with a Dome Percolator
- Ice Notches for Bong Ice Cubes
- With Airhole / kickhole / carbhole
Product specifications
- 200687-34